Thursday, April 21, 2011


I have to say that the author was a little harsh on PowerPoint. Instead of indicting the program itself, I think the author should examine how some user's lack of creativity with PowerPoint.

A couple of years ago, I had to take a public speaking class. I had avoided the class as long as I could because I was so terrified of public speaking. One of the requirements was that you had to prepare a PowerPoint presentation for every speech. I didn't know PowerPoint and had to learn it very quickly. I did and I am glad that I did. I found that I was good at it and really made a point of being creative with the tool. It was my PowerPoint presentations that got me out of that class, because my delivery surely did not. And I guess this is one of the points that the author is making, but still, I cannot criticize the program.

What I criticize more is the lack of creativity that is used. People tend to go to the pre-set layouts and the 'screen beans' or basic clip art and think they are doing a truly mindblowing presentation. Most don't realize that PowerPoint doesn't automatically make the content more interesting, you have to make it work. And of course, the mother who resorted to a PowerPoint to get her kids to use chores needs to be banned for life from the tool.


  1. Well, I've found my "go to" person for PowerPoint--I would love some instruction from you! For instance, what are "screen beans?"

    Your point about creativity makes complete sense. The presentation should enhance the lecture adding a visual that sometimes is more memorable than the speech. It's also a good place to add information such as statistics which can be important aspect of a speech but reciting numbers can really bog down a lecture.

  2. I totally agree with you, Felicia. Most people go the Homer Simpson route and try to perk up an annoyingly boring presentation with tons of clip art and idiotic sound effects. However, if you spend enough time exploring the program itself and playing with your options, you can get some very professional-looking things going on. It really does all just depend on the person's laziness and level of dedication to making his or her presentation look attractive and hold one's attention.
